T.J. Martin
Teaching Assistant
About T.J. Martin
I enjoy spending my weekends playing videos games mainly: The Sims 4, Apex, & Animal Crossing. I do love a good anime show or a good book. In my spare time, I am playing with my pets Pico and Rémy. I enjoy going to the movies or binging something on a streaming platform since I was a manager at a movie theatre for the past several years before coming to U of Arizona. I love to travel & try new dishes as long as they are vegetarian and going siteseeing.
Areas of Study
Syntax, Morphology, Phonetics/Phonology, Sociolinguistics, Typology, Language variation/change/evolution, Computational Linguistics.
I am currently working on an R package for Word Orders.
Research Interests
I have done most of my past research, before coming to U of Arizona, in the domain of Syntax from a Minimalist and Typological perspective. However, I am interested in a multitude of fields in Linguistics such as: Language Acquisition in Typically developing children and children with a specific language impairment (SLI), Language Contact, (Socio)Phonetics & Phonology. I am a native speaker of AAL. I am interested in Pidgin & Creole languages, French, Spanish, and Semitic languages. My overarching research program is on language change, language evolution, and language variation. I aim to look at how Race, Gender, and Sexuality intertwine with language and how this changes in societies across the globe.
Areas of Study
Syntax, Morphology, Phonetics/Phonology, Sociolinguistics, Typology, Language variation/change/evolution, Computational Linguistics.