Linguistics Circle

The University of Arizona Department of Linguistics has a thriving graduate student community. It's easy to get involved!

What we're about

LingCircle is the graduate student organization of the Department of Linguistics at the University of Arizona. The Circle organizes parties, reading groups, and social events (like beer and hiking). Our annual student-run conference, the Arizona Linguistics Circle, features work in all areas of Linguistics from students from around the world as well as renowned scholars. You can read information about our most recent conference here.

Current Lingcircle Representatives

  • Lucy Hall Hartley, President

  • Luis Irizarry, Vice-President

  • Megan Harvey, Secretary

  • Remo Nitschke, Treasurer

  • John Powell, ALC Chair

  • Luis Irizarry and Cheonkam Jeong, Cave Keeper

  • Amber Lubera and Samantha Prins, Faculty Representatives

  • Kerry McCullough and Andrew Zupon Alternate Faculty Representatives

  • Unfilled (ANLI), Rebecca Whitney (NAMA), Meghavarshini Krishnaswamy (HLT), Liasons 

  • Maria (Masha) Alexeeva, Social Chair

  • Luis Irizarry and Cheonkam Jeong, Librarian

The Cave and Graduate Offices

As a graduate student in the department you have free use of the computers in the graduate student space called the Cave. These computers have internet access, MS Office, and a number of other programs of use to the grad student in general and the linguistics grad in particular. The Cave is a happy place, a place for meeting and chatting with other students, and a place for working. It is the sanctuary for all students who need one, physically, mentally, socially, and perhaps even spiritually. Help to keep it this way.

The Cave: Graduate Student Office
Basement of the Douglass building
TA Offices: Douglass 110, (520) 621-2087

Coyote Papers

Coyote Papers: Working Papers in Linguistics is a publication of LingCircle and includes working papers and conference proceedings.


For information on joining listservs, please visit

Linguistics listservs

  • LINGUA - for anyone interested in language and linguistics. LINGUA is interdepartmental, comprises faculty and students, and serves the whole linguistic community at the University of Arizona.
  • LINGSTUD- for all official students of linguistics at the University of Arizona, past and present
  • LINGHLT- For UA students and faculty affiliated with the Human Language Technology M.S. program

    *All of these Listservs have been changed from to

Other University of Arizona listservs of interest to linguists

  • GRANDFUNDING- for graduate students looking for funding opportunities
  • CMES- for anyone interested in Middle Eastern languages
  • Cognitive Science: If you would like to be on the Cognitive Science general listserv, email Nova Hinrichs.


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