Cecile McKee
Communication Building, Room 316
About Cecile McKee
Professor, Linguistics Department
Director, Developmental Psycholinguistics Laboratory, Linguistics Department
I study language and literacy development, as well as informal science learning. My main collaborators are: Dana McDaniel (Linguistics, U. of Southern Maine); Merrill Garrett (retired from Pyschology, U. of Arizona); Sam Supalla (retired from SERSP, U. of Arizona); Laura Wagner (Psychology, Ohio State); Maria Emiliani (retired from Unita Sanitaria Locale, Italy). With student and community volunteers, I'm active in public engagement through festivals, K-12 schools, and museums. (See this guide from the Linguistic Society of America.) For example, this video reports on a 2016 course taught in collaboration with Children's Museum Tucson.
If you'd like to dip your toes into linguistic waters, see these resources:
Related News
Linguistics in Children's Museum Tucson
The "Linguistics in Children's Museum Tucson" project is a collaboration between UA and Children's Museum Tucson that aims to introduce children to scientific research in an informal setting. Click through to the UA News article below to hear more... read more
Research Interests
- Language and literacy development in young children
- Language production, especially fluency and articulation rate
- Informal science learning